Our Roots

    Greenfield Plant Farm - Maineville                              Greenfield Plant Farm - Growing Facility

Maineville Farm
Welcome to the Farm

Greenfield Hours 


Retail Hours

Opening Day: Friday, March 21st!



Wholesale Hours

MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:00AM  - 4:00PM

Overhead into the perennial houses
A Look into the Greenhouses


Down on the Farm

Greenfield Plant Farm Maineville is where it all begins.  The farm is situated on nearly 8 acres nestled among cow pastures and suburbia.  Just close your eyes and listen; the sounds define the farm.  Up the way there is a peacock calling for attention and a donkey if you turn your head just so.  

Here, gardeners and their families enjoy taking a stroll through the 30+ greenhouses, taking in the natural beauty Greenfield has to offer.


Greenfield opened in 1990, and became a destination for its wide perennial plant selection. Today you will find a diversity of annuals, herbs, shrubs, trees and our signature perennials with a customer base that is as diverse as our offering. Still the intent is the same - to grow a vigorous, healthy plant.

Greenfield Plant Farm
Greenfield Plant Farm

Greenfield is locally owned and staffed. The majority of our plants are grown right on site, and the other remaining few are sourced locally from other locally owned and staffed businesses. Greenfield is not a Chain Store, not a Box Store, not an Outlet - we do not grow a million plants, just the right one for you.